
What Traits Do CEOs Value Most in their Legal Leaders?

December 7, 2023

In this recent Global Counsel Leaders virtual event, “The Future Ready GC Part 2: What Traits CEOs Value Most in their Legal Leaders,” we explore the dynamic role of general counsels within the corporate hierarchy.

Our featured speakers, Aaron Kotok, Will McKinnon, and Jose Ramon Gonzalez bring a wealth of experience from the legal sphere into our discussion. We'll dive into how the expectations for general counsels have skyrocketed, as CEOs now seek out legal leaders with an arsenal of skills beyond traditional legal know-how.

Join us as we examine the shift from legal advisors to multifaceted in-house leaders who are equipped to handle crises, manage reputations, and steer companies through the murky waters of global uncertainty. From anticipating the needs of a CEO to navigating the intricacies of AI in the corporate sphere, our guests will shed light on the invaluable role GCs play in today’s business landscape.

We’ll uncover the essential traits that CEOs covet in their legal chiefs, the increasing importance of financial acumen, and the strategic advantages of nurturing internal and external relationships. Our speakers will also share their personal insights on the vital importance of mentorship, the nuances of communication, and the significance of embracing both legal and business judgments in the pursuit of excellence.

So, whether you’re a legal professional aiming to climb the ladder or a CEO in search of your next general counsel, this episode is packed with insights that will help you understand the evolving landscape of corporate legal leadership. Tune in and let’s discover together what it takes to become a Future Ready GC.